Welcome to Unicorn Consulting

contact Unicorn Consulting
020 7272 2073

Being in Balance

Many of us live in a world of competing
agendas, multiple far reaching priorities
and ever-expanding tasks. Keeping
ourselves in balance and not being
pulled around by external pressures
can feel like a challenge.

Making Choices

Unicorn will support you to connect to your own rhythm and adopt approaches to maintain your equilibrium.

We have many more choices about how we organise our activities than we think. We all have our own unique preferences about:

  • Exploring my personality traits
  • Time working alone
  • Time working with others
  • How we engage with others
  • How we share information
  • Task organisation
  • Time of day for activities
  • Energy allocation

Unicorn understands that each individual is unique and what Being in Balance looks like for one person can be quite different for their colleague. We work with teams, groups and individuals to prompt and stimulate thinking, exploring what works best for you, so you can maximise your energy and effectiveness.


Part of Being in Balance is about being balanced in our perspectives (thoughts and emotions). Mindfulness involves being present with all aspects of you, not just the physical body (presenteeism). Being present in this way enables you to be aware of your thoughts and feelings, allowing you to manage them and not become overwhelmed by them (avoiding them managing you!)


Unicorn can support you to achieve balance in you perspectives and approaches, improving levels of energy, attention and productivity. Please contact us to discuss how this could work in your organisation.

Being in Balance can be part of: